Diet culture in America is huge--there are probably thousands of different meal plans to follow to "lose weight quickly". One thing that the majority of these diets have in common is that they all cut carbohydrates in a person's diet. While there is tons of unsolicited and incorrect information about how to lose weight and what is healthy and what is not, carbs seem to be one type of food that is made out to be the bad guy. This is weird because carbs are actually the main and preferred source of energy for the body--so why are people so scared of them?
I would like to start off by saying that labeling any type of food as "bad" is a harmful mindset--anything is good in moderation and it is ok to eat unhealthy foods. Carbs are often considered "bad" because they are very quickly digested. This makes it so that people who eat a lot of simple carbs (such as bread, pasta, baked goods, etc.) are more likely to become hungrier quicker leading to over eating and subsequent weight gain. Again, in moderation simple carbs are not horrible for people to eat, they are just easy to eat a lot of because they are not as nourishing as more complex foods.
Carbohydrates get this horrible name from this, but carbohydrates are in so many natural and nourishing foods. Things like vegetables, grains, starches, and fruits contain complex carbohydrates that keep you fuller longer. These natural foods also contain loads of vitamins, fiber, and minerals that keep the body in equilibrium. Carbs can also be the most filling foods--things like potatoes and grains help keep people fuller for longer as well as supply energy for the body to move. Complex carbs have different layers that take longer to digest keeping you fuller for longer.
Another reason why people are scared of carbohydrates is because they have the most calories. A calorie is a way to define the energy supply in food; it is a unit of measurement. Like I mentioned earlier, carbohydrates are the main source of energy in the body, resulting in the most calories. That does not mean that one should eat less carbohydrates because they want to "cut calories", that will deplete you of energy to get you through the day. Maintaining a balance of protein carbohydrates and fats is still important when trying to cut back on calories (which is not very healthy to do unless severely overweight or overeating).
Overall, a primarily natural diet is best for the human body. This kind of diet is full of nutrients from the earth that help you live healthier for longer. This diet contains carbohydrates in the form of complex carbohydrates that fuel your body in a healthy way. We need carbohydrates to live, it is not healthy to eliminate them from your diet.
It also wont kill you to splurge every once in a while, or keep bread or chips as a part of your diet. Balance is everything when it comes to food!
This is a topic I think about often, as I come from a household that shamed the consumption of any and all carbs. I personally think carbs are essential, but that there are clean carbs and then there are dirty ones- or ones full of unhealthy additives and preservatives. I started baking my own bread this year and have noticed a significant decrease in stomach issues compared to the "bread" purchased at the store. Food for thought
Cutting out carbohydrates entirely is never healthy and the pervasive diet culture continues to push diets that cut out essential nutrients in favor of being skinny. As someone who is trying to gain weight, I have put a lot of attention into what I eat, and a majority of it is protein-rich carbohydrates and fats. And I am the healthiest I have ever been. People need to pay more attention to nutrition, not just calories.
Diet culture is so pervasive in our society. Being "thin" is equivalent to being"beautiful" and therefore valued in society. Health that is mental, physical, spiritual has been cast aside (because I do feel spiritual peace when I eat pasta) for the sake of cutting calories, shrinking our waists, or getting 'bikini ready.' I see this problem especially with women. However, restricting carbohydrates in your diet can lead to an unhealthy obsession with food that is detrimental to one's health.
The diet culture that exists, specifically in America, is part of a super toxic pattern that is repeated over and over again. Specifically the fear around carbs is constantly perpetuated which is disappointing to see. The way in which we have manipulated our idea of food has led to our ultimate lack of education about which foods are necessary for survival and to keep fueling your body. I really like how you emphasize that balance is key at the end because it is truly is the most important part to having a healthy diet!
I appreciate this post and how it completely debunks people's perpetual fear of carbs. Today, it's as though everyone on Instagram and Tik Tok are fed the same propaganda about how carbs are the devil. It's frustrating to watch and consume this content knowing that you can have a perfectly healthy life and still eat carbs. It's time people with actual credentials begin to educate people about how carbs are our main energy source, and can provide fuel for all of our daily activities.